Nabuchodonosor (Nebuchadnezzar)
Wine bottle with a capacity of 15 liters (or 20 bottles).
French word for “trader”. A company that buys wines from others and then labels it under its own name.
A positive tasting descriptor for a wine with a crisp acidity.
New World 
Wines that don’t come from the traditional regions in Europe are branded as such. In other words, the wines produced in the USA, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. As a general rule (but with plenty of exceptions), these wines would have a fruity flavor profile, while their “Old World” counterparts would display the terroir of where the grapes are grown.
New World wine
Wines that don’t come from the traditional regions in Europe are branded as such. But it can also represent a style (meaning that a wine produced in Europe can be “New World” as well) in which the wines are fruity and possess intense flavors.
Noble grapes
Those grapes that produce the world’s finest wines. The list varies depending on the source, but these are the ones that will be listed by most experts: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Syrah (Shiraz) as the noble red grape varieties; Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc and Sémillon as the noble white grape varieties.
Noble rot
Botrytis Cinerea. A mold that causes grapes to shrivel and sugars to concentrate, resulting in sweet, unctuous wines.
A wine that is made with grapes from different years. A very common practice in the production of Champagne (or other sparkling wines).
The smell of the wine. The sum of a wine’s aromas (or bouquet).
“New” in French. Beaujolais Nouveau is the most know wine in this style (wines that are supposed to be consumed when they are young).
Many times Champagnes (or other sparkling wines) develop an autholitic character after they are aged for a long time. It suggests aromas and/or flavors of nuts.
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